Sunday, June 6, 2010


Welll well well as everyone expected, PCB came out with another predictable decision regarding their players. Guess what, now YOUNIS KHAN is free to play. Isn’t this funny? PCB imposed life ban on him but now they have over turned their decision. At first hand, i don’t understand why the ban was imposed? Ok , fie, if the ban was imposed then why did they over turned it?

Well this thing shows that PCB is not serious, they make decisions under pressure. They try to make players obedient, but in fact, reality is this, certain players exhibit powers.

This is not enough, fine of rs 3M on captain has been finished entirely, whereas the fines on akmal brothers have been reduced to half. Don’t forgert, shahid afridi was fined due to ball tempering issue.

Ever since Shoaib Malik's one-year ban was last week, the PCB had indicated that the punishments for other players would also be lifted. At a press conference to announce Pakistan's Asia Cup squad two days ago, board chairman Ijaz Butt revealed that he had already recommended these measures to the independent arbitrator overlooking the appeals of the players. Butt staunchly defended the overturning; it wasn't a u-turn, just the following of "a constitutional process."

The decisions were announced by retired judge Irfan Qadir after the latest set of hearings on Saturday morning. Afridi, he explained, had already been punished by the ICC, which had banned him for two Twenty20 internationals, so the question of a second punishment was not on. "The ICC has written a letter to the PCB indicating that the second punishment is wrong," Qadir told reporters after the hearings in Lahore. "I must appreciate that Afridi accepted his wrongdoing. He accepted that he should not have done it but since he realised it himself I thought that was good and so removed the order on him."

Much the same reasoning was applied to the Akmal brothers, whose fines have been reduced to Rs1 million. The brothers accepted their mistakes. "They were candid in accepting their disciplinary issues. The PCB wanted to halve the fines [Kamran was fined Rs3 million] but I felt all players should now be treated on a par and so brought it down to Rs1 million."

The orders leave undecided for now the fate of only two from the seven originally punished. Rana Naved-ul-Hasan is likely to get the same relief at his next hearing on June 19, while it is still a mystery that whether M. Yousuf would make a come back or not as he had already annouved his retirement and even afridi insisted him to play in engalnd tour, he didn’t take his retirement back.

Ijaz butt said, we just followed our constitution, which allows palyers to appeal again st such bans. However, he admitted that other factors came into play. "There were many appeals from many quarters which asked us to reconsider the punishments. For example the national assembly committee on sports met and the chairman asked me, after detailed discussions with a number of people, to review the decisions. I said there is an appeals process already in place and it is on and we are looking at it as we should and that we will review them. The independent arbitrator was appointed and he took into account many things before coming to this. A process has been followed."

Butt further said that we will certainly not tolerate any indiscipline in the team, if any player mis behaves during asia cup or England tour, i have given the authority to captain and team manager to send the player back without any delay.

We will wait and see how the players will behave after PCB’s attitude. It is just a matter of time that some of our’s questions will be answered. We hope Pakistan do well in asia cup and engalnd tour, but honestly saying with this attitude of PCB, only players are getting stronger and stronger.

This is cricket new for you, where everything is possible in cricket.

This is all from our side, we will welcome your comments.